Thanks to your playtesting and feedback, the Steering Committee has made several minor adjustments to several Deployment cards to ensure that they remain at the appropriate power level and maintain balance in the game. Please see below for detailed 11.1 changes:
This card has been changed to provide only +1, Blast 1 (was +1, Blast 2) on the surge. In return, the card may be exhausted to apply Blast 1 to any attack, even if a surge was not rolled. This prevents excessive blast abuse with multi-attackers (namely, Sentry Droids), but allows the attachment to get use every round even if excess surges were not rolled. For a standard single attacker, there is effectively no change.

The intent behind the design of this card was to provide a way to promote synergies such as Riot Troopers, and Krennic/Troopers, such that giving tokens to weaker figures is not penalized so harshly when they die before they can use tokens. However, it turned out that the best use of this card was just as a surge token generator each round. Based on the testing data, it seems that this is almost always superior to Extra Armor in nearly any list, which means that it is a bit too strong. By limiting the token gained each round to a damage or a block token, it will retain use for token heavy strategies who wish to safeguard their tokens but will not permit use as the easiest surge token generator for Force Users that hit exceptionally hard with +1 surge.

Added: move 2 spaces before the Mortar Launcher. This change will help the AT-RT not have to be so exposed to get the Mortar Launcher off at the end of each round and will help it be able to move away and target a formerly adjacent figure without damaging itself (beware of Parting Blow, however!) In testing, the damaged seemed appropriate, but moving the walkers was awkward. This small buff should help with that issue.

Added: Professional. The triple yellow dice pool is well liked, but can be horribly inconsistent at times, even with excellent surges. To address this, Ventress may now reroll one attack die.
Speed 5 (was Speed 4). Ventress was just a touch too slow to get into the action compared to comparable 7-point figures. This change should also evoke the more agile nature of Ventress’s fighting style.
Note: The formatting of the surge bar will be fixed upon final release.

That’s it for the 11.1 changes. We believe many of the other cards are approximately on the mark, although we are of course watching closely. If there are any cards that were not addressed in this update that you feel need addressing (whether they are too powerful or too weak), please share your feedback on the Discord server. In particular, some cards that could use additional testing are: Rogue 1, Dr. Royce Hemlock + Cloned Reinforcements, and Mak + Disengage. We greatly appreciate the playtesting assistance from the IACP community.