Today marks the official playtesting release for IACP Season 10! If you haven’t already, take a look at the Preview articles that went up for all the new cards last week. Below is a reminder of how our IACP season’s are currently structured. There will be two mid-playtest version updates where we make changes to cards based on playtesting results and player feedback, the first is v10.1 scheduled for July 29th, then v10.2 will be released on August 19th. Then the Community vote will be held from September 2nd – 8th, with the final results announced on September 9th.

Season 10 v10.1 Update: July 29th
Season 10 v10.2 Update: August 19th
Season 10 Community Vote: Sept 2nd-8th
How to Participate in Playtesting
Players who like to play IRL can print out the latest cards in pdf form to cut and play with on their tabletops. Just open up the Season 10 printable pdf sheets, print to actual size on 8.5×11 paper and the cards and tokens are pre-sized to match the official component sizes. You can find the pdf and all related Season 10 documents over at the IACP Official Documents page, along with the card-by-card FAQ which will be releasing later this week.

You can start building and saving your Season 10 lists using the Tabletop Admiral list builder over at A huge thank you to Tabletop Admiral for implementing our new cards each season into their amazing list-builder web app. Please be sure to support their efforts if you can.
If you are playing with the cards IRL on the tabletop, you can make your playtesting results and feedback results known to us by filling out a Season 10 playtesting report form here. For online players, you can submit your Vassal game log files here to be included in our playtesting data.
You can also start playing with the new cards against opponents online via the new updated Vassal module for Season 10. You can either download the updated module from the IA Vassal Page here or directly from the source here. This update also fixes a few errors from past seasons so please make sure to download the newest module if you play IACP online. Please make sure you start logging before you start your game and save your logfile at the end by ending the log and submitting your vassal logfiles to our dropbox as soon as you play your game to avoid logs being received after they are no longer relevant (such as after a version update). A huge thank you to Trevor Payton @thereisnotry for keeping the Vassal module updated for our IACP releases. Again, please consider supporting Trevor if you can.

If you want to join the online playtesting process and get paired against an online opponent each week, you can sign up for the Season 10 playtesting league anytime between now and the end of August! And of course players are welcome to play games with the cards online outside of the playtesting league. Players who are signed up for the playtesting league or who would like to find opponents to play online should start by joining the IACP Discord to find opponents to play against.
Edit: Ah yes, one other thing, this Season’s release coincides with a new map rotating into competitive play. Endor Defense Station returns after it last rotated out of IACP competitive play 3 years ago. Check out the article with more details about this map:

And if you also think that’s too many embedded links to keep track of, well so do I, so here’s a handy easy-to-reference list of useful links for this season: