Chuba! Welcome to Sriluur, stranger! I was very sorry to hear that you were shot down by that faulty turret, and I am certain that my Lord Turba the Hutt will see it fixed with all due haste. The turret, I mean. You’ll have to take care of your own ship, you won’t find any handouts here in Hutt Space. While your ship is undergoing its necessary repairs, please take the time to look over the fine wares we have on offer. I’m sure an enterprising scoundrel like yourself can find something worth letting go of a little moulee-rah.
Look at this here! These just shipped in last night. I see that blaster rifle on your back, stranger, I can tell you don’t need help with precision. But what about when you absolutely, positively, need to annihilate every living thing in that room, ehh? You’ll find no better than these Explosive Armaments.

You’ve seen these before? No, stranger, you are mistaken. You saw the older models. These babies are the cutting edge. Twice as efficient, they only need one surge to do their thing! And just like the old models, they’re easy to use. Any Hunter worth their crest could wield them. Even that Droid you brought in here with you could! I promise you, you won’t regret buying these. They’re a blast!
Say, that droid of yours looks custom. Did you build him? You’re pretty handy, ehh? I saw your leg got busted up in the crash. Have you considered putting those technical skills to work on yourself? I got this here cybernetics kit in last week. With these tools, I bet you could perform some pretty amazing Self-Augmentation.

You could have that leg better than new in no time. Pretty soon, you’ll be a well-oiled machine like your Droid buddy there. Should make you a more precise attacker, and once you start down the road to embracing the machine, you might find all kinds of new tactics open up to you. You could install a Targeting Network, or call on you and your droid friend’s Shared Experience, or maybe even kick it into Overdrive. How much for this, you ask? Zero cost. What a steal, ehh?
Speaking of credits, it’s time we settle up, ehh? You don’t have credits? Then what are you doing here, wasting my time!? Du wermo! …I tell you what, stranger. I have an idea. I got a job for you. This sleemo took some of my wares on credit, and he hasn’t made good. You bag him up and deliver him, and you can keep all this, and the goods he stole from me. I know, I know, none of that adds up to your going rate for a capture job, so how’s this? The difference will be Paid in Beskar.

No one makes finer steel in all the galaxy than the Mandalorians. I don’t need to tell you that, stranger. It just so happens that I came into a cache of the stuff, and if you do this job for me, I’d be willing to part ways with it. Not only is it worth more than credits out here, you can use it to protect yourself, too. No finer armor will you find, stranger. I know you Hunters are always Focused on the Kill, but sometimes you gotta focus on staying alive for the next job, am I right? You don’t want your widow spending your hard-earned credits, do ya? Haha! Of course not! And any that you have left over, you can use to pay off your debt to Lord Turba for fixing your ship. So we have a deal then? Perfect! You will not regret this, pateesa!