We’ve all heard the news at this point: the Imperial Assault World Championships 2020 at Adepticon, March will be the last tournament for FFG OP. While this means an official close to the game as we know it, we also know it signifies a new era. Many Imperial Assault players might now either start to drift from IA, or travel towards the IACP. Regardless of your choice, we can be assured of a fabulous final FFG Event.
However, while this may be the last event for FFG IA, the IACP is only just warming up. And surely there’s no such thing as too much IA, so we now have our very own Adepticon Regional Championships!
This event will include bespoke, one-off prizes. Alt Art cards exclusive to this very event, featuring commissioned art of incredible quality! There is even a chance for promo tokens! It will also include a deluxe trophy for the winner at the end of the event, even more detailed than the previous IACP Trophy!

The event is scheduled on Sunday, March 29th, at 8 am-4pm at Adepticon, in Chicago, USA. It will be hosted, organised, and run in fact by the Built on Hope podcast crew, Isaac, David, and Jess! With the Last chance qualifier on Thursday, Swiss Worlds on Friday,. and the Top cut on Saturday, this date will allow everyone to attend! And the early finish means that those intending on flying back home on Sunday are able to make their flights, as long as they are appropriately timed. We hope that the date and time will work for as many IACP players as possible, with tickets cheaper than FFG’s World Championship, we hope to get a decent turnout at this wonderful venue.

Regardless whether you come for the IACP event or not, we hope to see you at this final gathering of FFG Imperial Assault players. If it’s even half as fun as 2019’s event (Which… It’s likely to be. Spectre is gone!), then we’re all in for a wild blast. Here’s to a new era of the Imperial Assault community!
So, what are you waiting for? Tickets are live now, and will be until the end of Feburary. Tickets can be found by searching Imperial Assault in the event list. Prizes will be spoiled soon, but be prepared to see Alt Arts featuring aggressive combat between a well known Jedi in our Imperial Assault world, and her vicious robed nemesis’.