As FFG Imperial Assault begins to sail off over the horizon, concluding the five incredible years of this fantastic game, the IACP is only getting started! While Adepticon promises three days of intense Imperial Assault fun, the IACP is adding a fourth, namely a one-off, exclusive Regional Championships held on the Sunday (March 29 2020) at none less than the Adepticon event itself! And, who would ever name a regional Championship ‘exclusive,’ if it didn’t include prizes which differ from all the rest of the IACP regional kits?!? So, for that reason, in this article I am going to share the exquisitely, unique, extravagant, and bespoke (Did I use enough words this time?) Prize Support we will be using for this very special event:

Participation – Alt Art Diala Passil and Royal Guard
Everyone who attends the IACP Event on Sunday at Adepticon will walk away with one each of the Season 2 IACP Approved Diala Passil Alt Art card, and the Season 3 Playtest Royal Guard card. These cards, using a familiar card format slightly translucent to better show off the art, displays a section of an incredible piece of Artwork displaying a duel familiar to most Campaign players, of the one and only Diala Passil fighting off a set of Royal Guards on Yavin IV. With one full artwork designed, each of the cards will present the part of the artwork showing the specific figure that the card refers to!

Top 8 – Double-Sided Focus and Hide Tokens
Have you ever been wondering how to store your Beneficial tokens without mixing them up? I think we’ve all had the experience of digging out a green token to Focus somebody, and ending up with a Hide. But with these tokens, all you need do is flip them over! Suddenly playing Rangers just got a whole lot easier (Hmm…)
Top 4 – Full Artwork Dice Tray
Since we commissioned an Art Piece featuring a duel between the Fierce Jedi and Oppressive Guard, it only made sense to use the full art as a prize as well! This piece, illustrated by the talented Christine Leonardi, this piece is sure to get any long-time IA player on their toes! Therefore, the Top 4 finishers of this event walk away with a Dice Tray perfect for rolling all of your Dodges!

Winner – Adepticon IACP Medal
And, once the dust has cleared, lightsabers extinguished, and jetpacks need refueling, the one who stands tall above everyone else will walk away with a hefty Medal celebrating their IACP achievements!
Will you be the one to best the rest, and carry your squad to Victory? There’s only one way to find out. Signups for the IACP Adepticon event are still on at Adepticon, so make sure you get your ticket soon! On behalf of the entire IACP Steering Committee and Built on Hope Podcast, we hope to see you there, and wish everyone the best of luck at World 2020!

((( Note, some Images may not have been received or rendered yet, so check back here later for more images! )))