2 cards from Season 8 have been updated for the final update for Season 8, v8.3. Below are the dates for the Community vote which will end on September 1st. That will be your chance as a member of the community to cast your vote on which cards from Season 8 should be permanently added to the IACP and which cards need more work or should be left out.
Community Final Approval Voting – Aug 21 – Sept 1 (final day to vote)
You can also see the game log data we’ve had available while implementing these changes here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10EDRG5gbD-KEtFiVXsviePBIV7IJdD35pjWBRKk6u-A/edit?usp=sharing
Super Commando

Super Commandos seem to be well liked by players so far, however their win-rates have yet to break out of the 20% range, winning about 1 out of 5 games. Their winrate did tick up after the 8.1 update to Gar Saxon, but we still felt they needed just a small boost without going too far. We’ve updated their attack dice from a blue die to a green die. To compensate for the loss of the blue die’s accuracy, we’ve added an innate +2 Accuracy boost to their attack, allowing them to still hit a minimum accuracy of range 3 without Focus, which matches the range of their Jetpack Rocket as well.
We’ve also corrected the name of the card to match the standard Imperial Assault naming convention of multi figure groups having non-plural names (Jet Trooper, Alliance Ranger, etc).

Players have reported that Bossk is a lot easier to fit into list-building at 7 points and feels a lot better to play now, but the common feedback we’ve gotten is that he’s still a bit too easy to take down before he can get value out of his Regenerate ability, especially for how close in he has to get to be effective. In a new step for us regarding changes to previously approved changes, we’ve taken the extra step, in addition to Bossk’s recost, in giving him 1 additional health from 11 to 12. We hope that this small change helps solidifiy Bossk’s place in the competitive meta as a unique Brawler for the Mercenary faction.
Season 8 has been quite the exciting playtest experience for us, and we hope that you all enjoyed playtesting these cards with us. Make sure to check back for information about how to participate in the upcoming Community vote which will be opening up on August 21st and closing on September 1st. Also stay tuned for more information about tournaments and online competitive play for the Season 8 competitive season, as well as changes in the IACP season structure and schedule.