Season 8 Community Voting Now Open Through September 1st – It’s Literally Vote or Die for IACP

The Steering Committee is delighted to announce that our Season 8 Community Vote survey is now live. The voting period runs through Friday, September 1st. The last day to vote will be September 1st at midnight PDT. Competitive Approved play will start on the following week.

You can review all the cards in their final versions here, either in the Official IACP FAQ or the Printable Card Images for Season 8:

Please note that the images presented on the ballot will not be the final aesthetic appearance of the card. Each card will be transformed into its IACP visual card template before the end of the season and look more like this:

Voting can now be easier and faster than ever if you want to just fully approve all the cards. Just answer “Yes” in the 2nd section of the ballot, and you will be taken straight to the final section to offer feedback on the project as a whole (which has also been streamlined to just short text responses).

Everyone should vote, regardless of experience or skill level, we want maximum community participation in this process. This is also your chance to let us know what you want to see (or don’t want to see) in the future from the IACP, with a survey at the end of the vote.

We are looking for a Minimum level of Community Engagement here for us to determine if the project should continue. IACP exists for the Imperial Assault Skirmish community. If there is no community, IACP has no reason to continue in its current state. Show us you are out there by voting!

Click here to complete your ballot and survey. The survey requires Google Account authentication in order to prevent vote manipulation. If you do not have a Google Account and wish to vote, send an email to or leave a comment on this post and we will send you an editable ballot to complete.

We are continuing a new Approval system from the Season 6 community vote in which cards can now be approved on Probation, represented by a third vote option besides Full Approval and Disapproval. Probation cards can be updated in future seasons if the community feels a card is okay to enter competitive Approved play but doesn’t feel it’s quite good enough yet and may need updates in future seasons. Cards that are approved on probation will be need to be voted on again in future season community votes.

There has been a small change to the new voting system though. The way it works is that if more than 30% of the community votes to disapprove a card, it will not enter competitive play for current season and will be removed from the project, but may be reintroduced with an updated design in a future season for playtesting. Then, if 50% of the total vote is to Fully Approve the card, it will permanently enter competitive play and no future changes will be made unless the card becomes demonstrably problematic to the balance of the game in the future. Finally, if a card does not get more than 30% Disapproval votes but does not reach the required 50% Fully Approved votes, it will become approved on probation and need to be re-voted on in future seasons.

We trust whatever your reasoning is for voting, but at the end of each section of the ballot, you’ll be provided a space to share any additional details about your vote as feedback for the committee. This written input will not be shared outside of the IACP Steering Committee, though we may share anonymous aggregate data with the community about things we commonly see mentioned in the feedback comments.

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