All Imperial Assault players are now able to play the newest Season 8 cards in online games through the Vassal client and Imperial Assault module, created and updated by Trevor, aka ThereIsNoTry. Be sure to download the latest Vassal module with Season 8 cards here:!AlCd5BRrzxGCiJ8qhoKgI0VNlcx5dA?e=91zDSN
And make sure you’re using the latest version of Vassal, v3.7:
You can join the online Imperial Assault skirmish community to look for games by joining the IACP Discord Server:
You can also use the best army list-builder on the web to build and save your Imperial Assault armies, fully updated with IACP all the way through Season 8, in the Tabletop Admiral list builder.
You can check out the video below for a tutorial from the 2019 Imperial Assault World Champion on how to install and use the Imperial Assault Vassal Module: