Season 8 Release Day Roundup

Release day is here! The new season, IACP Season 8 is upon us! So what does that mean? Well let’s check it out.

First off you can check out the full season in gallery form here. Or you can listen to TheSecondFlock and I discuss each card individually on our podcast video with accompanying images.

Printable Card Sheet PDFs

You can now find all of the Season 8 cards organized into pdfs that you can print on 8.5″x11″ paper and will be correctly sized to match the size of Imperial Assault Deployment cards and Command cards. These can be printed and cut out to be used in tabletop games of IACP Imperial Assault Skirmish. We recommend using card sleeves for Command cards, which are 41x63mm, and sliding the printed IACP Command card into the sleeve in front of a regulation FFG command card which you are not playing in your deck.

IACP Official Documents

Remember to fill out a playtest report and feedback survey form if you do play a Season 8 playtest game “offline” to help us with our feedback and data collection efforts for this season.

Online List Builder Updated

Our good friend at the TabletopAdmiral listbuilder has continued to update the old Imperial Assault online listbuilder to include the new cards from IACP to allow folks to easily listbuild online and save their lists to the site. Be sure to check out and start building those Season 8 lists. Also be sure to check out his Patreon page at and give back if you want to show your gratitude.

Vassal and Tabletop Simulator Modules updated for Online Play

Probably most importantly, our tools for online play are now ready and able to support IACP Season 8 cards. Both Vassal and Tabletop Simulator now have updated modules for Season 8.

Season 8 Vassal Module:!AlCd5BRrzxGCh6wxxdqBgFz_omy_0w?e=c6ufel

Season 8 TabletopSimulator Skirmish Module:

The person who maintains and updates the Vassal module for the community also has a Patreon page that I’ll share here for those that want to give back to our community contributers:

Playtesting Starts Today, Join Anytime!

If you haven’t already done so, make sure you sign up for the weekly Vassal playtesting league. We will allow open signups throughout the playtest period so that anyone can join at any time and get paired up with someone for the following weeks to play with. Just make sure you’re logging your games and submitting them to our dropbox folder linked at the top of the main site.

You can find more information on the testing league and the season’s structure here:

A huge thank you to everyone who helped out with releasing this season, including our friends ThereIsNoTry, Pon3d, and at TabletopAdmiral, as well as everyone in the IACP Steering Committee and everyone supporting us from the community. This has been one of the smoothest, most timely season releases to date and it’s due to everyone working together to make that happen.

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