Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, Hutts and Twi’leks, Jawas and… Okay I’ll stop.
The time has come at last! After the raging success of the Season 3’s Organized Play finale, we are proud to announce the first round of the IACP Season 4 Vassal Seasonal Tournaments! With the conclusion of Season 4’s Playtest period, we look forward to seeing all the pieces of Imperial Assault come together in one place.
In previous tournaments, we received feedback that the entry fee was too high and the tournaments were run in inconvenient time zones for many players. To make these tournaments as accessible as possible to new players and seasoned veterans alike, ticket prices at these events will be $7.50 per person (50% off the S3 VST prices!), with any and all prizes to be shipped directly to the participant’s address as before.
Games will be played online using the latest Vassal Imperial Assault module. Voice chat through Discord is encouraged but not mandatory.
Dates and Times
In addition, VSTs will now be split by timezone, and while this does not prevent anyone from playing in a Tournament outside of their own location, it does mean those previously unable to play due to the harsh time differences can now find an event which suits their schedule. These events, for the first half of Season 4 Approved play, are as follows:

Prize Support
As previously mentioned, all prizes will be shipped to you free of charge. The prizes for the three Jetpack Cups are as follows:*
- Participation: Loku Kanoloa Alt Art

- Top 4: Get Behind Me Alt Art

- Winner: IACP Season 4 VST Medal

We hope you will join us at these premier-tier Events, fully kitted with custom prize support, to help celebrate not only the Season we all have experienced and loved together, but also the Community who’s dedication and passion keeps the game alive!
And stay tuned for announcements for the second set of VST S4 events commencing at the end of Approved play for Season 4!
*Actual prizes will not include Jetpacks